POL-EKO-APARATURA laboratory equipment can be found in many laboratories in our country and abroad. Medical, biotechnological, chemical, and industrial laboratories make up a large portion of our customers. There is often some very interesting research going on in our facilities. We will satisfy your curiosity by presenting some of them.
Painting is everywhere
Each of us has a painted space in our "four corners". What we were guided during searching paints, which are plenty on store shelves? Starting with the brand to the type, not to mention the number of colors? Looking further, we use many items every day that are painted or glued. Furniture, cars, walls. We can list here endlessly. Did you know that paints, varnishes, adhesives, and plastering compounds of all kinds are constantly being refined and tested? The Research and Development Centre for Paints, Adhesives, and Polymers SPEKTROCHEM from Tarnobrzeg does it perfectly and on an international scale.
Spektrochem is a specialist research and technology laboratory for raw materials and production processes of paints, varnishes, adhesives, and plastering compounds. The Laboratory conducts application research on raw materials, develops and implements technologies of polymer dispersions synthesis, auxiliary agents, and technologies of production of dispersion, waterborne and solvent-borne painting products. Sound complicated? Not for Mr. Artur Palasz - the owner of the company, for whom work is a great passion.

Mr. Artur's laboratory is very well equipped. Among the wide range of equipment, POL-EKO. Laboratory incubators, laboratory refrigerators, laboratory freezers, and climatic chambers of our production have found their place in Spektrochem. They are used for tests of water-borne raw materials for paints and varnishes in formulations dedicated to various applications

Paints testing
Our equipment is ideal as a component for various tests of paints and coatings prepared in the laboratory. Laboratory testing of coatings provides knowledge of the properties of paints after they have formed continuous layers, as well as during their forming processes. Depending on the type of paint and coating, their properties differ in scrub resistance, hardness, flexibility, and resistance to accelerated weathering, among others. The process of coating formation takes place under specific conditions. In any case, temperature and humidity more or less influence the quality of the coating formation. This applies in particular to water-based paints and varnishes. The conditioning process of coatings is made possible by a climate chamber by the process of maintaining constant temperature and humidity. A climate chamber is the only such unit that allows you to control both temperature and humidity.

Spectrochem also performs tests at different temperatures. At low temperatures, freezing and thawing stability tests of polymer dispersions are performed using laboratory freezers. In POL-EKO laboratory refrigerators the tests of coatings forming in lowered temperatures (0 °C to 15 °C) are performed. The resistance of coatings to sticking is also tested, or an accelerated stability test of paints in liquid form. This all happens in laboratory incubators with temperature ranges up to 100 °C.
Honest Partner

The specificity of the research carried out by Spectrochem requires appropriate equipment. The variety of devices is part of many tests, the lack of access to one of them prevents efficient work.
The owner of the company - Mr. Artur Palasz emphasizes - "We only use reliable suppliers of equipment because we cannot afford any weak link in the testing process. Formulations and samples that we test in our laboratory are developed for world-class companies that expect the highest level of us."
Mr. Artur stresses that "as a long-term user of POL EKO units, we are very pleased with the ergonomics, failure-free operation, and certainty of stable test conditions. We see also the continuous development of POL-EKO-Aparatura, which gives us even more certain that we are cooperating with an international and reliable partner."
We are proud that SPEKTROCHEM is one of our customers. We are really proud of our cooperation and we hope that will remain so for a long time.