

I have noticed that for the last few years from almost every possible source of communication we are bombarded with commandments regarding the care of the environment and slogans related like: "Let's take care of nature", "We must be ECO", "Away with plastic", etc. Is it good? I think that is very good, considering the state of the planet that we live on. Like every responsible company, we also have an ECO policy. We obtain energy from alternative sources, sort rubbish, and use recyclable materials. The issue of thermostatic devices seems clear - high-quality metal sheets, durable solutions, the possibility of complete recovery of many elements. But what about furniture? Exactly… here's the question - can you be ECO in the laboratory? The answer is simple - YES you can! The solution we propose in this matter is the metal furniture of the Compact Lab series - an ecological alternative. Although it may be surprising, metal furniture is one of the best option, so it's worth taking a closer look at their silhouette.

1. Material

Again, the Compact Lab furniture can be entirely made of stainless steel or steel painted with chemically resistant paint and, like a medieval knight in armor, can serve us for many years. The material does not get wet and does not corrode, which allows it to maintain a "fresh" appearance for many years.

2. Choice

Problem like in the candy store? Don't worry, we'll help! A large selection is often a problem for the customer, but in this particular case it is an important advantage. We have a wide range of standard solutions for frames, cabinets, wardrobes and extensions. We also offer non-standard solutions, individually tailored to your needs. In addition, a wide range of additional elements: sinks, fittings, eyewash stations, safety showers and even an increase in the working area - through the use of suspension bridges, in which additional sockets and gas installations can be easily installed. One could go on and on...

It is worth remembering that the design and visualization will be provided for FREE!

3. Order

I don't know a person who doesn't want easy-to-clean floors in their home. The situation with the furniture in the laboratory is exactly the same. Easy-to-clean surfaces are an important element of any project. Metal furniture ensures smooth and non-absorbent fronts that allow quick and effective sterilization.

4. Durability

In this case, furniture made of stainless steel is head and shoulders. The material is very resistant to all impacts and external factors. One may be tempted to say that practically all laboratories in heavy industry use this technology - this is important information for those planning future projects in this area.

5. Flexibility

An essential element for those who plan to furnish rooms partially. The modular combination of furniture allows for trouble-free expansion and easy rearrangement of existing elements. This is a big advantage in relation to furniture made of wood or laminate, the handling of which may not only be problematic, but also may cause permanent damage to the elements, as a result of which further use will be simply inconvenient or even impossible in some cases.

If you took a closer look at the topic, the number of advantages would certainly increase to a really considerable size. However, departing from the subject of furniture itself, it is worth noting the generally growing social awareness and this is a good omen. More and more offers that come to us require us to present our activities in the field of caring for the environment. It is also a good habit that in the near future will force companies to take action in this area, even the simplest ones.

Probably many of us treat saving the world as an excess of form over substance. In several cases, I agree with this statement one hundred percent. On the other hand I am also aware that the decisions made today will be reflected in the future and I feel responsible for the state of the world in which my children will live.

What's your approach? Are you a supporter or opponent of ECO? Share your opinion in the comments!

Compact Lab Laboratory Furniture - Check our offer!