Options and Accesories
Internal glass door

Internal glass door
This is standard equipment in CL/IL/KK ranges.
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL ranges.
Order number: */C (option factory preinstalled)."
External glass door

External glass door
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL ranges and for KK 500, 700, 1200, 1450 models.
Order number: */AThe option of external glass doors for multi-chamber devices applies to one chamber (e.g., for devices like ST/CHL 1/1, ST/CHL 1/1/1, you should order 2 and 3 pieces respectively to equip all chambers with external glass doors). The use of such doors in the case of cabinets in the SMART PRO version results in a maximum temperature limitation to 40°C. (option factory preinstalled).
Door with viewing window

Door with viewing window
This is an additional option available for CL/IL/SL/SR ranges (except CL/SL 15, 32) and for KK 115, 240, 400, 750 models.
Order number: */A (option factory preinstalled).
In case of SL range, maximum temperature is reduced to +250°C.
Stainless steel wire shelf INOX

Stainless steel wire shelf
This is standard equipment in CL/IL/SL/SR/KK ranges, ZLN 85 model and in ST/CHL COMF and PREM models.
This is an additional option for mentioned above products.
Order number: */P INOX
INOX wire shelf is made of stainless steel. It is provided with slides set.
Perforated shelf

Perforated shelf
This is standard equipment in ZLW-T models.
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL/CL/IL/SL/SR/KK ranges and ZLN 85 model.
Order number: */PP
Perforated shelf is provided with slides set. Different depths of the shelf on request.
Full shelf with hole

Full shelf with hole
This is standard equipment in ZLN-T models.
Order number: */PO
Shelf is provided with slides set.
Reinforced shelf

Reinforced shelf
This is standard equipment in CL/IL/SL 750 and 1000 models and all CL/IL/SL models in the reinforced version (Order number: */W).
This is an additional option available for CL/IL/SL/SR/ST/CHL/KK ranges and ZLN-T models.
Order number: */PW
Reinforced shelf is provided with slides set. Maximum shelf workloads and maximum unit workloads can be found in the tables with parameters for certain product ranges.
Stainless steel cuvettes

Stainless steel cuvettes
This is an additional option available for all products ranges.
Order number: KUW
Stainless steel cuvettes can be placed on the shelves. Different sizes available.
Aluminum drawer with powder coated slides

Aluminum drawer with powder coated slides
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL ranges.
Order number: ST/CHL SWP ALU.
The drawer is aluminum, 6 cm deep, provided with pull out powder coated slides set, with 2 compartments longways + 2 across in each section.
Stainless steel drawer with powder coated slides

Stainless steel drawer with stainless steel slides
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL ranges.
Order number: ST/CHL SWPN INOX
The drawer is stainless steel, 6 cm deep, provided with pull out stainless steel slides set, with 2 compartments longways + 2 across in each section.
Stainless steel drawer with stainless steel slides

Stainless steel drawer with stainless steel slides
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL ranges.
Order number: ST/CHL SWPN INOX
The drawer is stainless steel, 6 cm deep, provided with pull out stainless steel slides set, with 2 compartments longways + 2 across in each section.

This is standard equipment in ZLN-T 300, ST/CHL 1200, 1450; CL/IL/SL/SR 750, 1000; IL 400; and KK range.
This is an additional option available for all product ranges.
Order number: QLK* (option factory preinstalled).
Table with castors

Table with castors
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL 1-3; ZLN 85, CL/SL 15, 32; CL/IL/SL/SR 53-240 models.
Order number: */S (powder painted) or */S INOX (stainless steel).
Table with wheels provides you with the highest comfort of using our products. We offer a wide range of tables equipped with wheels. Different sizes of the tables are available on request. The user can choose the most suitable height.castors
Base on castors

Base on castors
This is an additional option for ST/CHL 1, 2, 3; ZLN 85, CL/SL 15, 32; CL/IL/SL/SR 53, 115, 240.
Order number: */ST, */ST INOX
Height and dimensions can be customized.
Automatic defrosting function

Automatic defrosting function
This is standard feature of KK series, ST/ILW with FOT and FIT functions, and for devices with a monoblock: ST/CHL 500, ST/CHL 700, ST/CHL 1200, ST/CHL 1450.
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL/IL ranges.
Order number: * PLUS (option factory preinstalled).
Defrosting in this case is programmable (the User sets periodicity and duration). This function is carried out while the unit is working. This advanced technology holds the temperature stable, allowing only a minor increase in the chamber (considerably higher temperature rise is caused by opening the door).
Default settings - 2 minutes defrosting every 2 hours, causes a temporary increase in temperature in the chamber by approx. 3°C. Defrosting parameters can be changed by the User depending on the application - test type (wet / dry), door opening frequency, etc.
MoreLow temperature version

Low temperature version
This is an additional option available for CHL 500, 700, 1200 models and IL range.
Order number: */T (option factory preinstalled).
It extends temperature range down to -10°C (standard temperature range starts from 0°C).
Extended temperature range to 70°C

Extended temperature range to 70°C
This is standard feature of ST PREM Smart PRO models.
This is an additional option available for ST BASIC, COMF and PREM version.
Order number: ST/70 (option factory preinstalled).
It consists of extended temperature range up to +70°C (standard temperature range in ST BASIC, COMF and PREM: +3°C…+40°C).
Reinforced version

Reinforced version
This is standard feature of CL/SL 1000 models.
This is an additional option available for CL/IL/SL ranges and ZLN-T 200, 300 models.
Order number: */W (option factory preinstalled).
Reinforced version of products allows to store heavy loads in the chamber. It consists of reinforced construction of the chamber and reinforced shelves. In this way we prevent damage to the unit caused by heavy loads. Maximum shelf workloads and maximum unit workloads can be found in the tables with parameters for certain product ranges. When a unit in reinforced version is purchased, the reinforced shelves are supplied instead of wire shelves.
Interior lighting

Interior lighting
This is started equipment in ST/CHL ranges.
This is an additional option for all products (except climatic chambers).
Order number: OWW/OWW LED (option factory preinstalled).
Interior lighting features 1 light point. The user switches is with enter button located in the pront panel. This option does not allow day/night simulation (see FIT and FOT options). Max working temperature of the unit is reduced to +70°C, for SL/SR ranges to +250°C.
Phytotron system

Phytotron system
This is an additional option for the KK range, IL Smart PRO version and ST 500-1450 PREM Smart PRO models.
Order number: */FIT (option factory preinstalled).
Phytotron system allows day and night simulation with smooth illumination control (each 1%).The FIT version does not have a standard OWW LED interior lighting point.
Photoperiodic system

Photoperiodic system
This is an additional option for the ST BASIC, COMF, PREM models and IL Smart version.
Order number: */FOT (option factory preinstalled).
Photoperiodic system allows day and night simulation. The FOT version does not have a standard OWW LED interior lighting point.
FIT panels independent control

FIT panels independent control
This is an additional option available for the units equipped with FIT option – at least two (2) over-shelf illumination panels.
Order number: FIT/R3 (option factory preinstalled).
This option consists in possibility to control each of 2 or 3 over-shelf illumination panels (their intensity) independently (e.g. one panel intensity can be set at 100%, the other one at 50%).
Additional temperature sensor

Additional temperature sensor
This is an additional option available for CL/IL/SL/SR/KK ranges and ST/CHL PREM Smart PRO version.
Order number: Pt 100 (option factory preinstalled).
This option consists of an additional temperature sensor and sensor’s socket. Additional Pt 100 values are visible in the display. Additional Pt 100 sensor also allows to choose in the unit’s menu which sensor should be used as primary and which as secondary. This way unit can work according to the sample temperature in which additional Pt 100 sensor is placed. The sensor may be supplied with a calibration certificate.
Internal socket

Internal socket
This is an additional option available for ST/CHL/ILW ranges. In case of ILW maximum temperature is reduced to +70°C.
Order number: GNZ (option factory preinstalled).
Internal socket allows to plug in additional equipment inside the chamber, e.g. laboratory shaker. Max socket peak load 200 W.
HEPA Clean Air Filter

HEPA - clean air filter
This is an additional option available for CL/SL/SR ranges.
Order number: HEPA (option factory preinstalled).
HEPA filter is installed at the air inlet to the chamber.
Non-standard access port for external sensor

Non-standard access port for external sensor
This is an additional option available for all product ranges.
Order number: OCZ/N (option factory preinstalled).
Diameter and location on request.
Container for deionized water

Container for deionised water
This is standard equipment in KK range.
This is an additional option available for KK range.
Order number: KK/Z
This plastic container is for deionised water which is indispensible for a proper KK performance. The container is not necessary in case the chamber is plugged directly to a deionizer.
Low water level sensor

Low water level sensor
This is an additional option available for KK range.
Order number: KK/CP (option factory preinstalled).
An alarm goes off when the water level is low.
Calibration and IQ, OQ, PQ qualification

Calibration and IQ, OQ, PQ qualification
This is an additional option available for all product ranges.
Order numbers: BRT/9/L, BRT/1P/L, BRT/2P/L, IQ, OQ, PQ (option factory preinstalled).
This option consist of measurements performed at 9 points of the chamber (corners + geometric center) or at 5 points on the shelf (corners + geometric center) at the temperature selected by the User.
IQ, OQ, PQ qualification is available for each chamber as well (see page 10 for more details).
Over temperature protection 3.1 class according to DIN 12880

Over temperature protection 3.1 class according to DIN 12880
Over temperature protection class 3.1 to DIN 12880 is a standard function for the CL/SL equipment in the Smart PRO version, and optional for the CL/SL/SR ranges in the Smart version.
Order number: */3.1 (option factory preinstalled).
It features a sample protection function: the User can set the protection temperature and once it has been exceeded, the program will cut off the heaters. When the temperature falls down below the set limit, the unit will resume operating automatically.
Over temperature protection 3.2 class according to DIN 12880

Over temperature protection 3.2 class according to DIN 12880
Under temperature protection class 3.2 to DIN 12880 is a standard function for CHL Smart PRO version and optional for CHL Smart and ZL Smart models.
Order number: */3.2 (option factory preinstalled).
It features a sample protection function: the user can set the protection temperature and once it has been exceeded, the program will cut off the compressor. When the temperature goes above the set limit, the unit will resume operating automatically.
Over temperature protection 3.3 class according to DIN 12880

Over temperature protection 3.3 class according to DIN 12880
Over/under temperature protection class 3.3 to DIN 12880 is a standard function for the KK / ST / IL in the Smart PRO version.
It is an additional option for ST and IL in the Smart version.
Order number: */3.3 (option factory preinstalled).
It features a sample protection function: the User can set the over/under protection temperature and once it has been exceeded, the program will cut off the heaters or compressor. When the temperature goes back to the permitted range, the unit will resume operating automatically.
Battery backup for display

Battery backup for display
Order number: BPP 12 (option factory preinstalled).
USB cable

USB cable
This is an additional option available for all product ranges with Smart and Smart PRO controllers.
Order number: USBK
This cable is indispensible in order to connect PC to the unit via USB port. Standard cable length: 5m.
Non-standard access port 20 mm

Non-standard access port ⌀ 20 mm
This is a standard feature for ZL and ZLN-UT range.
This is an additional option available for all product ranges (except SL SIMPLE, CALDERA).
Order number: OCZ/20. (factory fitted)
The orifice is made in addition to the standard access port. Cork not included in the set.
The location of the orifice must be agreed with the manufacturer before placing an order.
Additional access port 30 mm

Non-standard access port ⌀ 30 mm
This is a standard feature for all product ranges (except ZL, ZLN-UT, SL SIMPLE, CALDERA).
This is an additional option available for all product ranges (except ZL, ZLN-UT, SL SIMPLE, CALDERA).
Order number: OCZ/30. (factory fitted)
The orifice is made in addition to the standard access port.
The location of the orifice must be agreed with the manufacturer before placing an order.
Non-standard access port 60 mm

Non-standard access port ⌀ 60 mm
This is an additional option available for all product ranges (except ZL, ZLN-UT, SL SIMPLE, CALDERA).
Order number: OCZ/60. (factory fitted)
The orifice is made in addition to the standard access port.
The location of the orifice must be agreed with the manufacturer before placing an order.
Non-standard access port 100 mm

Non-standard access port ⌀ 100 mm
This is an additional option available for all product ranges (except ZL, ZLN-UT, SL SIMPLE, CALDERA).
Order number: OCZ/100. (factory fitted)
The orifice is made in addition to the standard access port.
The location of the orifice must be agreed with the manufacturer before placing an order.
Container for deionised water

Container for deionized water
This is standard equipment in KK range (except KKS).
This is an additional option available for KK range.
Order number: KK/Z.
This plastic container is for deionized water which is indispensible for a proper KK performance.
The container is not necessary in case the chamber is plugged directly to a deionizer.
Access control

Access control
This is an additional option for equipment in Smart PRO version (except ZL range).
Order numer: KD (factory fitted).
Door is opened with an authentication factor (card, key tag or NFC-equipped device eg. smartphone) assigned to the user. No password and login required.
The solution is integrated with the users and the event log - door opening is recorded. The controller allows you to program the authentication factors.
Reinforced perforated shelf

Reinforced perforated shelf
This is an additional option available for ILC range.
Order number: */PPW
Reinforced perforated shelf is provided with slides set. Different depths of the shelf on request.
Base on castors

Base on castors
This is an additional option for ILC 180.
Order number: */STN
Base on castors for ILC 180, height 118 mm, powder coated.
Stacking adaptor

Stacking adaptor
This is an additional option for ILC 180.
Order number: */AD
Stacking adaptor for ILC 180, height 90 mm, powder coated.
Support frame on castors for ILC 180

Support frame on castors
This is an additional option for ILC 180.
Order number: */STW
Support frame on castors with brakes for single chamber ILC 180, height 800 mm, powder coated.
CO2 back up system

CO2 back up system
Optional Equipment for ZLN-UT
Order number: ZLN-UT/CO2
Back up system allowing for dosing CO 2 in the event of an increase in temperature in the chamber without a CO 2 bottle.
Boxes for samples

Boxes for samples
Optional Equipment for ZLN-UT
Order number: ZLN-UT/STP12 or STP16
A set of 12 or 16 plastic boxes, dimensions 133 x 133 x 50 mm, 9x9 compartments, integrated lid (respectively a set for one rack ZLN-UT / ST12 or ST16).
Rack with drawers

Stainless steel racks with drawers
Optional Equipment for ZLN-UT
Order number: ZLN-UT/ST12 or ST16
Stainless steel rack with pull-out drawers (3 or 4 drawers for 4 boxes 133 x 133 x 50 mm).
ST12 version with three drawers for a total of 12 freezer boxes for all ZLN-UT freezers.
ST16 version with four drawers for a total of 16 freezer boxes for ZLN-UT 300 and 500 freezers.
Additional electric socket (400V)

Additional electric socket (400V)
Order number: D-S-EL400
Additional internal single electric socket (400V)
Additional electric socket (230V)

Additional electric socket (230V)
Order number: D-S-EL
Additional internal double electric socket (230V)
Residual current device

Residual current device
Order number: D-WRP
Residual current device (differential circuit-breaker)
Emergency stop button

Emergency stop button
Order number: D-GRZ
Emergency stop buton
Main circuit breaker

Main circuit breaker
Order number: D-MAIN
Cam switch; 25A; 2-positions; OFF-ON; 3P; yellow/red
EX Lamp

EX Lamp
Order number: D-L-EX-XX.XX
EX lamp – lamp in a explosion proof version
Additional water instalation

Additional water instalation
Order number: D-S-WA
Additional water instalation (1 tap)
Additional LPG instalation

Additional LPG instalation
Order number: D-S-GA-XXX
Additional gas instalation (1 tap) to be chosen: LPG, NITROGEN, COMPRESSED AIR, ARGON itp.
Advanced fume hood controller ICM500-F-EU

Advanced fume hood controller ICM500-F-EU
Order number: ICM500-F-EU-XX.XX
Microprocessor system with display for regulating and monitoring the air velocity in the fume hood working chamber (instead of FM 550 controler)
Advanced fume hood controller ICM500-FP-EU

Advanced fume hood controller ICM500-FP-EU
Order number: ICM500-FP-EU-XX.XX
Microprocessor system with display for regulating and monitoring the volumetric airflow in the fume hood working chamber (instead of FM 550 controler)
Underbench cabinet (steel)

Underbench cabinet (steel)
Order number: D-SZ-SS-Z-XX.XX
Underbech cabinet made of galvanized epoxy powder-coated steel, ventilated, key locked, PP cuvette (paid option)
Underbench cabinet (polypropylene)

Underbench cabinet (polypropylene)
Order number: D-SZ-PP-K-Z-XX.XX
Underbech cabinet made of polypropylene, ventilated, key locked, PP cuvette (included)
Underbench cabinet (fireproof)

Underbench cabinet (fireproof)
Order number: D-SZ-A90.50-XX.XX
ASECOS cabinet UB 90-type, made of galvanized powder-coated steel RAL7035, fire resistance up to 90 minutes.
Automatic sash window

Automatic sash window
Order number: SC500
Window position controller with control panel (up/stop/down)
Side walls glazing

Side walls glazing
Order number: D-S-P
Side walls glazing of the fume hood, 500x700mm

Order number: D-KRX-XX.XX
Stainless-steel scaffold mounted on the back wall in the working chamber (horizontal/vertical roder or both)
Cuvette for cabinets

Cuvette for cabinets
Order number: D-SZ-KD-XX.XX
PP (polypropylene) cuvvete for underbench cabinet
Additional sink

Additional sink
Order number: D-SINK-NS
Additional sink
Non-standard worktop

Non-standard worktop
Order number: D-WT-NS
Non standard worktops : phenolic resin, epoxy resin, stainless-steel, instead of 35-37mm thick monolithic ceramic with marine edge on all sides
Phenolic resin interior

Phenolic resin interior
Order number: DCL-LM
Working chamber interior made of phenolic resin instead of galvanized epoxy powder-coated steel
Polypropylene interior

Polypropylene interior
Order number: DCL-PP
Working chamber interior made of polypropylene instead of galvanized epoxy powder-coated steel
Buchtal ceramic interior

Buchtal ceramic interior
Order number: DCL-CR
Working chamber interior made of Buchtal large ceramic tiles (8mm thick) instead of galvanized epoxy powder-coated steel
Funnel for gathering leachate

Funnel for gathering leachate
Order number: D-S.C.A.T.
S.C.A.T system for liquid chemicals disposal. Consisting of funnel (Φ 140mm diameter) with a cover, installed through the worktop, connected to the 10l plastic cannister by flexible 1500mm hose (additional 10L canister included). The system is equiped with alarm panel which signals (visual and sound alarm) when the canister is full (ground wire included)
Standard magnifier

Standard magnifier
Order number: LKB 2002/L3
Standard magnifier (Optical power 3.25 diopters)
Standard marker

Standard marker
Order number: LKB 2002/P
Standard marker (the same as provided with the set)
Plate with Wolfhuegel scale

Plate with Wolfhuegel scale
Order number: LKB 2002/PW
Plate with Wolfhuegel scale
External counting marker

External counting marker
Order number: LKB 2002/ZM
External counting marker
Cartridge for ZM 2002

Cartridge for ZM 2002
Order number: LKB 2002/ZMP
Cartridge for individual replacement for ZM 2002
Anti-skid mat

Anti-skid mat
Order number: LS */MA *
Anti-skid mat for LS laboratory shaker
Universal platform

Universal platform
Order number: LS */PL *.1
Universal platform for various kinds of vessels, with 4 roller clamp
Platform for fixing flasks handles

Platform for fixing flasks handles
Order number: LS */PL *.2
Platform for fixing flasks handles, suitable for flasks of the following capacities: 25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, the handles shall be ordered separately
Platform for shaking Petri plates

Platform for shaking Petri plates
Order number: LS */PL *.3
Platform for shaking Petri plates, bacteria culture flasks and other vessels of low centre of gravity
Platform for separator funnels

Platform for separator funnels
Order number: LS */PL *.4
Platform for separator funnels with 3 roller clamps for shaking, salting, extraction and concentration
Handle for Erlenmeyer flask

Handle for Erlenmeyer flask
Order number: LS/U*
Handle for Erlenmeyer flask 1 pc.: 25ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml, 500ml
Stand for test-tubes

Stand for test-tubes
Order number: LS/SP.1
Stand for test-tubes, diameter adjusted to customer's needs
Stand for ozone generator

Stand for ozone generator
Order number: GO 24/ST
Stand for the GO 24 ozonator, on castors, with a telescopic lift, height up to 1,90 m
Stand for ozone generator

Stand for ozone generator
Order number: GO 48/ST
Stand for the GO 48 ozonator, on castors, with a telescopic lift, height up to 1.90 m
Automatic sash window with IR sensor

Automatic sash window with IR sensor
Order number: SC500-L
Fume hood automatic sash window position controller with linear IR obstacle sensor
pH and temperature measurement kit

Physical and chemical measurements - pH
One of the basic quality measurements of wastewater at the inlet to the sewage treatment plant, i.e. among others in the catchment station of FEKO+ is the measurement of pH. The measurement of pH is strongly influenced by temperature, which is why the electrodes used in FEKO+ stations are equipped with electrodes combined with a temperature sensor, depending on the type of wastewater received, it can be an NTC or Pt100 / Pt1000 sensor. Due to the fact that the pH measurement indicating the acidity or alkalinity of wastewater has a significant impact on the operation of the biological treatment plant, it is necessary to regularly take care of its quality, i.e. calibration of the electrode. Standard calibration buffers have pH4, pH7, pH9 values. Thanks to the use of MemoSens electrodes, it is possible to calibrate the electrode in the laboratory - calibration values are recorded in the electrode.
Set for pH measurement in the FEKO+ station: transmitter, cable, electrode, measurement in MemoSens technology.
Redox and temperature measurement kit

Physicochemical measurements - redox
The redox (ORP) measurement in wastewater is mainly used to determine the reducing or oxidizing capacity of a given liquid solution. This measurement is one of the key parameters used to determine the efficiency of the sewage treatment plant in terms of the ongoing biochemical processes and to assess their efficiency. Measurement of the ORP value at the beginning of the process, i.e. at the FEKO+ station, enables more accurate determination of the efficiency parameters of the sewage treatment plant.
Set for measuring the redox potential in the sink station: transducer, cable, electrode, measurement in MemoSens technology.
Conductivity measurement kit

Physicochemical measurements - conductivity
The measurement of conductivity (electrolytic conductivity) is the measurement of the ability of a measuring solution to conduct an electric current. Conductance (conductance) is the second most important qualitative measurement in waste water receipt stations, next to pH measurement. The conductivity measurement is used to estimate the total solute content of the medium (in this case, wastewater). The conductivity values indicate, among other things, the contamination of the medium with mineral or organic compounds, often with the help of this measurement the salt content, i.e. the salinity of wastewater, is calculated.
Set for measuring conductivity (conductance) in the discharge station: transducer, probe with cable.
Sludge concentration measurement kit

Physicochemical measurements - sludge concentration
Measurement of sludge concentration in sewage is most often used in waste water receipt stations adapted to receive sewage sludge from household sewage treatment plants. This parameter, expressed in mg/l, indicates the density of the discharged load at the discharge station, or the amount of solid particles expressed in %.
Set for measuring sludge concentration in the discharge station: transducer, probe with cable, additional measuring vessel.
COD measurement kit

Physicochemical measurements - Chemical oxygen demand
COD - chemical oxygen demand is a parameter that shows the amount of oxygen dissolved in water needed to oxidize organic and inorganic matter. The measurement is used to assess the influence of the measured medium on the oxygen level in water. The chemical oxygen demand determines the amount of oxygen needed to chemically break down pollutants. Thanks to the COD measurement, after making the appropriate calculations, we can also estimate the BOD value, i.e. the biochemical demand for oxygen (BOD is the amount of oxygen required to break down organic pollutants with the help of microorganisms).
A set for measuring conductance (conductance) in the sink station: transducer, cable, UV spectral probe, measuring vessel.
External stone catcher

External stone catcher
The stone catcher is designed to capture large and small impurities flowing into the waste water receipt station. The catcher is installed at the inlet of the station's drain line as an external module (additionally protected against freezing). The stone catcher protects the line against clogging caused by solids. The unit stops stones, concrete debris, metal elements, bottles, cans, etc.
Internal stone catcher

Internal stone catcher
The internal stone catcher is designed to capture large and small impurities flowing into the waste water receipt station. The catcher is installed at the inlet of the station's discharge line inside a container of appropriate dimensions (it cannot be installed in XS and S containers). The unit is an element protecting the drain line against clogging caused by solid objects. The catcher stops stones, concrete debris, metal elements, bottles, cans, etc.
Stationary sampler outdoor

Stationary sampler
The stationary sampling apparatus enables automatic sampling directly during the discharge of sewage. The operator of the catchment station via the FEKO+ software defines the conditions when the sample is to be taken, e.g. after exceeding the measurement values, for defined clients and/or contractors, as well as randomly or manually (on-line).
Sampling unit can be installed outside the container (it cannot be installed in the XS and S containers due to the lack of space inside - in this case the device is installed next to the container).
Stationary sampler mounted inside

Stationary sampler
The stationary sampling apparatus enables automatic sampling directly during the discharge of sewage. The operator of the catchment station, through the FEKO+ software, defines the conditions when the sample is to be taken, e.g. after exceeding the measurement values, for defined Customers and/or Contractors, as well as randomly or manually (on-line).
The sampling unit can be installed inside a container of appropriate dimensions (it cannot be installed in XS and S containers - in this case the unit can be installed outside, next to the container).
Macerator milling cutter

Macerator - milling cutter
Macerator - milling shredder is recommended for installation in waste water receipt mounted on sewage networks and on facilities where delivered sewage will be pumped for further treatment process. The shredder protects the drain line and pumps from damage caused by solids and fibrous substances. The device is equipped with a reverse function, and a sedimentation tank is mounted at the inlet, in which hard solids (stones, screws) accumulate.
It is possible to connect with the rotary pump.
Rotary pump

Rotary pump
The external sludge pump installed in the discharge station allows for pumping municipal sludge, sludge from household sewage treatment plants and fat-containing waste from catering outlets.
Macerator in a set with a rotary pump

Macerator in a set with a rotary pump
The external sludge pump connected in series with the macerator allows pumping and grinding of municipal sludge, sludge from household sewage treatment plants and fat-containing waste from catering outlets.
Sieve with screenings press

Sieve with screenings press
The sieve with the screenings press ensures initial mechanical pre-treatment of the incoming sewage, retains solids (screenings) larger than 2 mm. Screenings are pre-rinsed and pressed, and then transported outside to containers or bags (e.g. Longopac system bagging machine - allows to reduce odors emanating from screenings). Additionally, the sieve can be equipped with a washer:
screw washing machine
1. The mixing chamber used for pre-pressing and uniform dosing of the material into the second chamber.
2. The rinsing and pressing chamber, where the organic part is washed out and the remaining matter is pressed. The pressed screenings fall out in the form of compact discs.
Technical data:
• dehydration - from 30 to 50%,• weight reduction - up to 70%,
piston washer with hydraulic drive
The unit is designed for dewatering and pressing screenings. It is used directly after the spiral sieve, thanks to which the screenings separated on it are well drained and can be stored in containers, containers, etc.
The screenings are fed via a screw conveyor from the spiral sieve to the press's charging hopper. The piston, by means of an actuator driven by a hydraulic system, performs a reciprocating motion, moving the screenings in the drum, causing them to be compressed and dewatered. Then, the dehydrated and pressed screenings can be transported via an additional pipeline to the appropriate discharge point. The separated liquid drains by gravity through the drain pipe located in the lower part of the press.
Sand separator with sieve

Sand separator with sieve
Sand separator with is a block unit for mechanical wastewater treatment, which allows the retention of solid particles larger than 2 mm, which guarantees trouble-free operation of further technological elements of the treatment plant and catches mineral impurities such as sand or fine gravel in the sand trap through the sedimentation process. The unit is hermetic.
Odor neutralization system

Odor neutralization system
The odor neutralization system is recommended especially when the drainage station is installed on the sewage system. The system consists of a tank for the preparation for neutralizing odors, fittings and a dosing pump integrated with the control system of the FEKO+ waste water receipt station.
CCTV monitoring

Monitoring of the drainage station using industrial cameras and data transmission via Ethernet or WiFi.
Gate control

Gate control
The gate opening can be controlled remotely (in conjunction with monitoring) or through a panel with a FEKO+ transponder key reader.
10" control panel

10" control panel
A large 10-inch color touch panel of the FEKO+ station allows for more comfortable, faster work, a larger and more readable screen is appreciated by the drivers of the slurry tankers.
Drain line DN125

Drain line DN125
As an alternative to the standard drain line made of acid-proof stainless steel with a diameter of DN 100, it is possible to equip the station with a pipeline with a diameter of DN 125 (due to the larger diameter of the line, other basic equipment of the station, such as a pneumatic gate valve or a flow meter are adapted to its diameter).
FEKO Viewer software

FEKO Viewer software
The Feko Viewer application is an additional software that allows you to visualize the status of FEKO+ stations in real time. The user can view the list of stations, current sewage supplier, current discharge data: volume, state of the gate valve, macerator, sieves and current measurement values (pH, temperature, conductivity, etc.) and data about the station (temperature inside the control cabinet, state of paper in the printer, sample bottle number, previous delivery details, station name and alarm list).
Wi Fi wireless communication module

Wi-Fi wireless communication module
As a standard, the FEKO+ station uses a cable connection for communication with the control room. In a situation where a cable connection is not possible, the wireless WiFi standard can be used for communication. In places inaccessible to the Ethernet or WiFi infrastructure, it is possible to use GSM/GPRS modems.
Multi station construction

Multi-station construction
Waste water receipt stations in the ML, L / XL and XXL versions allow the installation of two independent discharge lines. FEKO+ stations in the version for installation in the building do not have limitations as to the number of installed drain lines. Many times, users have decided to build up to four measurement and discharge lines in one facility.
pH and temperature measurement kit

pH measurement kit
One of the basic quality measurements of water and sewage is the measurement of pH. Temperature has a great impact on the quality of pH measurement, which is why the electrodes used in monitoring stations are equipped with electrodes combined with a temperature sensor, depending on the type of electrode (which is selected for the measuring medium) it can be an NTC or Pt100 / Pt1000 sensor. Due to the fact that the pH measurement tells about the acidity or alkalinity of the solution, it is necessary to regularly take care of its quality, i.e. to calibrate the electrode. Standard calibration buffers are pH4, pH7, pH9. Due to the use of MemoSens electrodes, it is possible to calibrate the electrode in the laboratory - the calibration values are stored in the electrode.
The set for pH measurement for the monitoring station consists of: transmitter, MemoSens cable, MemoSens combined electrode, immersion fittings or pipe fittings.
pH redox and temperature measurement kit

pH and redox measurement kit
In monitoring stations, due to limited space and cost savings, it is possible to install multi-channel transmitters, e.g. the two-channel Memosens transmitter for simultaneous measurement of pH, temperature and redox potential
The pH and ORP set for the monitoring station consists of: a two-channel transmitter, 2x MemoSens cable, MemoSens pH and ORP electrodes, 2x immersion fittings or pipe fittings.
Conductivity measurement kit

Physicochemical measurements - conductivity
The measurement of conductivity (electrolytic conductivity) is the measurement of the ability of a measuring solution to conduct an electric current. Conductance is the second most important qualitative measurement in waste water receipt stations stations, next to pH measurement. The conductivity measurement is used to estimate the total solute content of the medium. The conductivity values indicate, among other things, the contamination of the medium with mineral or organic compounds, often with the help of this measurement the salt content, i.e. the salinity of wastewater, is calculated.
The conductivity measurement set for the monitoring station consists of: a transducer, a MemoSens cable, a MemoSens conductivity cell with a properly selected solid cell, immersion fittings or a spigot for installation on a pipeline.
Redox measurement kit

Redox measurement kit
The measurement of redox (ORP) in water and wastewater is mainly used to determine the reducing or oxidizing capacity of a given liquid solution. This measurement is one of the key parameters used to determine the efficiency of the sewage treatment plant in terms of the ongoing biochemical processes and to assess their efficiency. The ORP value is measured at the inlet and outlet of the sewage treatment plant, which enables more accurate determination of the efficiency parameters of the sewage treatment plant; or at the outlet of industrial plants to determine the load carried by sewage discharged into the sewage system or the natural environment.
The redox/ORP measurement set for the monitoring station consists of: transmitter, MemoSens cable, MemoSens combined electrode, immersion fitting or pipe fitting.
Toilet cassette emptying and rinsing point

The basic element of the equipment of each eurodrop station is the toilet cassette emptying and rinsing point. The point of emptying the chemical WC cassettes is located in the lower side of the Eurodrop station, it is a drawer made of stainless steel with elements that allow it to be opened with a foot - it is a convenient and handy way, because we have occupied hands to empty the cassette. Each point of emptying the chemical WC cassettes is equipped with a flush, the button is available directly above the drawer. In addition, each point is equipped with a water spout for rinsing the cassette, depending on the version of the Eurodrop station, it is a connector with a ball valve with a hose, or a connector with a solenoid valve.
Heating option (winter version)

Eurodrop station are available in the summer version as standard, trouble-free operation of the point is guaranteed at ambient temperatures from 0°C to +50°C. Due to the fact that many service points for motorhomes are available all year round, it is possible to use the heating option (winter version). Thanks to this option, station can work properly even at -20°C. Protection against freezing of the catchment point consists of wall insulation and a heating system inside the Eurodrop column.
Electrical sockets

Eurodrop water and service points for motorhomes can be equipped with 230V electrical sockets, type CEE with fuses, packages of 2 sockets mounted on the side of the Eurodrop column are available as standard. In the Basic version, it is possible to add an additional ELEKTRO module, which can be equipped with 2 or 4 sockets.
Drinking water intake point (manual)

Eurodrop as a catchment point should also be equipped with taps for tap water. The BASIC version can be equipped with 1 or 2 drinking water intake points - stub pipes with a ball valve.
Drinking water intake point (automatic)

Eurodrop stations in the COMFORT and PREMIUM versions can be equipped with taps for tap water, at these draw-off points the tap is controlled by a solenoid valve.
Gray water collection point

Eurodrop can also be a gray water collection point. The driveway grate (street inlet) installed in the driveway is used to drain gray water from motorhomes or coaches. This element is the second basic module that the Eurodrop catchment point should be equipped with. The street inlet is also available in a flushing version and a flushing winter version.
Gray water collection point with flushing

Greywater collection point with flushing controlled from Eurodrop level, intended for stations that will not be used during the winter. The nozzles installed in the street inlet ensure an appropriate stream of water, thanks to which the drain grate is thoroughly rinsed of impurities.
Gray water collection point with flushing (winter version)

The most popular version of the gray water collection point is the module with Eurodrop-controlled flushing in the winter version. In this version, both the water supply and the nozzles are heated, protecting the point against the formation of ice and enabling its use also in the winter. This solution is recommended in particular for investments that plan year-round operation of Eurodrop station points.
Personalized graphics

Want your LOGO and/or name on the Eurodrop station? By choosing the personalized graphics option and sending us the logo and name, our graphic designers will prepare a personalized version - the sticker is made of blue car foil (the name and investor's logo are cut out elements) the sticker with personalization is placed in the COMFORT and PREMIUM version on the lower front panel, in the BASIC version on the visor .
Water consumption meter

Eurodrop stations in the COMFORT and PREMIUM versions can be equipped with a water consumption meter. The water meter allows the owner of the EURODROP station to verify the amount of water drawn by users.
Individual water meters for each intake point

Eurodrop in the PREMIUM version can be equipped with individual water meters for each intake point, thanks to which each user knows exactly how much of the paid amount of water can still be collected. A water meter with a pulse output allows you to control the amount of water drawn in liters - the water does not have to be taken at once.
Energy consumption meter for each power socket

EURODROP PREMIUM catchment and service points are most often chosen by the owners of resorts and camper pools, which is why a very important option for this type of points is the energy consumption meter for each power socket. Thanks to the installation of individual energy meters, the user can control and purchase the amount of energy (settled in kW/h) that is needed for him
Payment system - coins

Eurodrop COMFORT and PREMIUM, apart from the basic functionality of sewage discharge, can be equipped with water intake points and electricity consumption points. Water and electricity can be provided free of charge or against payment. There are four modules for payment for utilities. The first basic module is: cash payment system - programmable coin acceptor for PLN and EURO. The machine accepts coins of PLN 5, PLN 2, PLN 1, PLN 50, € 2, € 1, € 50 cent, € 20 cent, and € 10 cent. The machine does not give change.
Payment system - NFC

Eurodrop COMFORT and PREMIUM, apart from the basic functionality of sewage discharge, can be equipped with water intake points and electricity consumption points. Water and electricity can be provided free of charge or against payment. There are four modules for payment for utilities. As an alternative to cash payments, a contactless payment module is available using NFC, maestro card, visa, gpay, apple pay.
Payment system - coins and NFC

Eurodrop COMFORT and PREMIUM, apart from the basic functionality of sewage discharge, can be equipped with water intake points and electricity consumption points. Water and electricity can be provided free of charge or against payment. There are four modules for payment for utilities. The universal payment module is a combination of a cash payment system (programmable coin validator for PLN and EURO. gives change) and the contactless payment system (using NFC cards maestro, visa, gpay, apple pay).
Individual payment system

The option available only for the EURODROP PREMIUM model is an individual payment system. The drainage and service point for motorhomes is equipped with a universal payment system - payment with both coins and contactless payment. In addition, each water and electricity consumption point is equipped with a meter, the screen of which displays the number of paid liters or kilowatts left to be used by the user.
metal stand (with adjustable wheels)

polypropylene base cabinet

UV light

gas tap

water tap

polypropylene cup sink

polypropylene sink 30 x 40 cm

electric socket 230V 50Hz

XL version for 2 full-size filters